March 10, 2005

A New Friend Comes to Visit

Young Opossum and Cat Food (03-06-05)

It is amazing what a little wet cat food can bring out from the woods. A normally reticent and wary opossum stood his ground long enough for Janice to snap this great photo, being reluctant to surrender his 'catch' to any of the other park denizens that frequent this midnight buffet. It's also one of the few really good pictures taken at night. Even with a good camera like the Sony Mavica, these pictures usually come out very dark and need some touch-up and relighting.

There are two other opossum that are regulars here, too. Willie is a HUGE one, and you can catch him lumbering about in the early morning hours. His body and legs are much lighter in color than most opossum I've seen. Shorty is smaller and looks like he has recently survived a fierce battle with a dog, having scrapes and cuts on his face and back. Shorty prefers the dog food, and that's probably how he encountered a dog. He makes a lot of noise when he eats, and even if the television is on, you can still hear Shorty chomping on his dinner.

Opossum are NOT picky eaters, that's for sure. Chicken bones, cat food, dog food, raw hamburger, and 'who knows what' is rapidly consumed by these furry little garbage disposals. My cats treat these visitors with the same deference or disdain that they do other cats and humans, and I am never worried about trouble. Be careful not to approach wild animals, especially if they are not backing away from you; it could mean trouble. Just let them be to enjoy their meal. (If you see me eating, please do the same.)

I haven't picked a name for this fellow yet. Any suggestions?

Isn't it adorable?

“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.” Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC, from Parts of Animals)


At 12:12 PM , Blogger Ben Sorer Moreh said...

- a good Shabbos


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