June 28, 2005

Schnorrers Without Borders

As you might remember from one of my previous posts, I am quite the Nature lover. After all, what tree-hugging liberal isn’t? Putting out dog food, chicken bones, leftover pizza, or whatever else I choose not to consume, generally attracts some of the local wildlife to my door and sometimes even right into my kitchen. The furry denizens around here don’t have much respect for garbage can lids, open doors, windows, or cats. A free meal is just too good a thing to pass up. (I used to have brother-in-law like that.)

Last night, three raccoons came up into the house and began devouring the cat food, much to the dismay of Her Lordship. After being alerted to their presence (Thank you, Janice!), I approached quietly and was able to snap some good pictures, getting within ½ meter of my guests. They approached and retreated several times, led by the tallest of the three, who appeared to be the bravest of the bunch as well. The leader kept a constant eye on me while eating, facing me directly, while running its paw over the surface of the deck to feel for bits of dog food or a chicken bone. The other two, following his/her lead, gobbled up what they could as fast as they could before scurrying back under the deck for shelter.

I was laying on the kitchen floor when I took these photos, and Princess, Ms. Has-To-Know-Everything-That-I’m-Doing, was sitting behind me and looking over my shoulder the entire time. It was a long time, too. (My Sony Mavica may be old-school, but I still love using it.) The raccoon above was not snarling, the dog food was probably a little moist from the rain and rather chewy.

These itinerant schnorrers (beggars) are always welcome in and around my home. We have taken so much from their kind. It is the least I can do to somehow repay them. B’Tayavon!

“Animals have these advantages over man: they never hear the clock strike, they die without any idea of death, they have no theologians to instruct them, their last moments are not disturbed by unwelcome and unpleasant ceremonies, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills.” (Voltaire, 1694 - 1778)


At 3:01 PM , Blogger Shlomo Leib Aronovitz said...


Good looking pooch ya got there. I have had dogs before and you're correct. The canines have little tolerance for trespassers.

Mitzi, a Pomeranian o'h, was never bothered by squirrels, rabbit, or anything else that wandered through the yard. There is a photo, if I can find it (it's not digital), of Mitzi sunning herself next to a squirrel.

Squirrels are known to taunt dogs. A friend had a telephone line running across the lenghth of his back yard. The squirrels would climb out onto the the middle of the wir and 'chatter' while the dogs below went beserk.


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