November 27, 2005

Bernie Sanders for Senate

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The fact is that the Democratic Party, for all its blustering about democracy, is neither Democratic or much of party these days. Most of our favored elected representatives are corporate bought-and-payed-for by special interests, and are only interested in maintaining the status quo. If you want to know why nothing ever changes in Washington D.C. or why it always seems to change in favor of those who don’t need any favors, one can always follow the money back to its original source. It is a tragic state of affairs that has reached its zenith within these last Republican-dominated years, but is by no means limited to any one political party, nor has it just appeared in the last few decades. The struggle to curb the influences of wealth on the political process are centuries old. Recent efforts to limit legalized political corruption, i.e. McCain-Feingold, have been essentially gutted of any real substantive measure by those who continue taking full advantage of political power for personal financial gain. (You didn’t think these bastards would actually sign onto legislation that would, in effect, force them to take a pay cut, did you?)

There is one shining light in the ethical darkness that envelopes American politics today. He is Liberal. He is Progressive. He refuses any and all corporate campaign contributions. He is no friend to the lobbyists. His independence from party hacks and lobbyists allow him to speak honesty and openly about the problems facing average Americans. He supports American Labor. He supports Nationalized Health Care. He talks about issues that matter to all Americans and does not simply regurgitate sound bites or bits of legislation written by and proposed on behalf of wealthy corporations. He is a real man of his own mind. He has been re-elected time and time again by the people of his state. He is one man in Washington that has my unwavering support and admiration. His name is Bernie Sanders.

If you want to advocate for a true voice of the people, by the people, and for the people, please help send Bernie Sanders to the Senate with a small donation to his campaign. He may not be from your state (Bernie is from Vermont) or from your party of choice (Bernie is an Independent), but he will have a say in what happens in this nation, and an opportunity to offset the complacency of a Senate mired in its own desire to maintain a nationally destructive and personally self-serving status quo.

I urge my Liberal/Progressive friends to help get Bernie Sanders elected and begin making real changes to our government, in our lives, and toward how we are perceived around the world. If donations aren’t possible, at least please help us get the word out. (I also urge everyone to support 3rd party candidates whenever possible. The status quo isn’t working and efforts to make changes from within the two major parties are being thwarted by inter-party cronyism. I do not think it possible to kill the ‘beast’ from within.)

Mr. Sanders regularly appears on the Thom Hartmann Show every Friday as part of Air America’s continued effort to promote Progressive ideals in an overwhelmingly corporo-fascist media environment.

Kol Tuv


At 8:54 AM , Blogger Tamara said...

While we may not always see eye to eye on politics, I agree 100% that both parties have become too entrenched and corrupted to truly serve the people of this country.

One issue which is important (in addition to campaign finance reform) is term limits. It's simply awful that there are congressmen who hold office virtually their entire adult lives. I don't care what their politics are, it's not good for democracy.

At 2:30 PM , Blogger Robin said...

Yay for Bernie!!!!

I am from VT and knew him when he was a candidate for mayor in the People's Republic of Burlington . . . at the time Burlington had long been run by a Catholic Democratic Party Machine (a small town Chicago it was) and he managed to catch them red handed trying to stuff the ballot boxes (how that came to be is a story that needs to be told) and ended up winning by something like 9 votes, in a city which voted for Reagan by a fairly large margin.

Bernie, a Brooklyn boy with an accent to match won over the hearts and minds of Burlingtonions and later the state as a whole ... there are many "issues" that his red-neck base may not particularly agree with him on but his is loved in VT because of 2 things: People believe he really has their best issues at hand (they 'get' that he understands their real-life lives) and they respect his courage. In other words, he is REAL!

I found this blog because I live in Brooklyn, I recently heard Hella Winston, the author of " Unchosen
The Hidden Lives of Hasidic Rebels" interviewed ( Living in a Brooklyn neighborhood surrounded by Hassidim that I never speak to or interact with in any way, I approached the oracle of google and found this unbelievably beautiful blog. And have been reading every single word. (I have even printed a few posts out to read more thoughtfully and carefully - such as the one on the Israeli macho guy who ridiculed your little boy arms).

Encountering Bernie here is a real treat!!!!!


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