March 27, 2005

In The News: Another Republican Revealed

This tidbit comes by way of HARD ATTACK NEWS. Once again, the political faction hell-bent on morality, the Bible, and destroying evil in the service of God and country finds one of its own being “hoisted by his own petard.” From the thrice divorced and drug addicted Rush Limbaugh, the sexually harassing Bill O’Reilly, right down to the high-stakes gambling moral crusader Bill Bennett, the ranks of the fascist republicans are filled with liars and two-faced jackasses, unable to control their own compulsions, yet willing to enact laws and promote ‘wars’ on everyone else. Talk about projection! These are dangerous people.

Here is another little piece of news that usually ends up going unnoticed. I will break it up and add my comments as we go along. Sometimes you have to really get a grip on what's being said.

GOP Advisor Dies Of Overdose

By Stephanie Mansfield

Republican media adviser R. Gregory Stevens, who was found dead in the Beverly Hills, Calif., home of actress Carrie Fisher on Feb. 26, died of an overdose of cocaine and the painkiller OxyContin, according to the Los Angeles County coroner's office.

(At least two felonies committed here. He deliberately sought out and purchased cocaine and, if he didn’t have a prescription, the OxyContin would also be illegal. Conspiracy to purchase and transport would also be added to the charges were he caught, assuming that he’d ever be prosecuted anyhow.)

A spokeswoman at the coroner's office read to The Washington Times portions of the report, which was completed Friday. "Cocaine and OxyContin," the spokeswoman said when asked by phone what was the cause of death. When asked specifically whether there was a drug overdose, she said "yes." Another part of the autopsy revealed that Mr. Stevens also suffered from hypertrophic heart disease. However, the spokeswoman said this was not a factor in his death.

(That spokeswoman will be fired and sent to Gitmo by Rumsfeld. Just watch.)

Mr. Stevens, 42, was an associate with the powerhouse Washington lobbying firm Barbour Griffith & Rogers and had traveled to Los Angeles to attend the Academy Awards.

(Do we remember Haley Barbour of the GOP? Same guy. This lobbying firm is a fascist group. Read about their goals on their website. Scary shit. These guys aren' t the solution. They're the problem!)

Mr. Stevens was staying at the home of Miss Fisher. The two were longtime friends. Both attended a star-studded party at the home of film industry agent Bryan Lourd Miss Fisher's former husband -- the night before his death. Miss Fisher found Mr. Stevens' body in a guest room the following morning. But on the previous night, the actress said when news of the death broke, Mr. Stevens "was in good shape."

"Tons and tons of people saw him. He was Greg," she said.

(I had thought Carrie Fisher had beaten her own drug habit years ago, but, as one can tell from that comment, it’s quite probable that she has relapsed.)

"People want to find a scandal in it, but there is none. I don't get it. Nobody does," Miss Fisher said.

(No Scandal? I know that in Ms. Fisher’s world, drug overdose is a daily occurrence, and it’s true, when a poor unemployed black man smokes crack to escape the brutality of his life, it’s a horrible thing in the eyes of the super-moral GOP fascists and their crusade to stop the poor from doing drugs, but when one of their rich darlings overdoses himself, it isn’t important enough to mention? Why is it that those who insist on harsh penalties for the rules that they make, don't wish to hold themselves accountable to the same standard?)

Mr. Lourd had no comment when reached by The Washington Times.

(Of course not. He probably gave him the cocaine.)

Mr. Stevens, with strong ties to the Hollywood entertainment community, served as the head of the Bush-Cheney Entertainment Task Force for President Bush's recent inaugural. Barbour Griffith & Rogers, one of the co-founders of which was chairman of the Republican National Committee, held a memorial service for Mr. Stevens earlier this month.

(Why is it that every new government department that GW creates has a name that sounds childishly fascist? “Entertainment Task Force”? Do they wear fatigues? Or just the Nazi arm bands?)


At 7:30 PM , Blogger Ben Sorer Moreh said...

"Af hu raah gulgolet ahat shetzafah al pnei hamayim. Amar; 'Al deateift atifuch, vesof metayfayich yetifun'" / [Hillel]noticed a severed head floating upon the water. He said 'because you drowned others, they drowned you and in the end, your drowners will be drowned'"

- Mishna Avot 2:6

At 3:57 AM , Blogger Shlomo Leib Aronovitz said...

Or as Shakespeare said "Me thinks he doth protest too much."


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